Friday, July 24, 2009

Module 6: Positive Good Replaces Necessary Evil

Module 6: Positive Good Replaces Necessary Evil

During the nineteenth century, cotton was the major agricultural crop and “the Old South was the largest and most powerful slave society the modern world has known.” (Foner 378) Slavery was referred to as a necessary evil but with his elegantly written words, George Fitzhugh, a Virginia lawyer, attempted to change the view of slavery from necessary evil to a positive good. This transition helped many to except slavery as the much needed foundation of the cotton industry. “In 1860, the economic investment represented by the slave population exceeded the value of the nation’s factories, railroads, and banks combined.” (Foner 379) With national economic success and articles written in support of the positive effects of slavery, it is understandable how Fitzhugh’s articles would be received in an optimistic light. However, looking back on history, it is the ownership of human’s that should be questioned and therefore Fitzhugh’s arguments would not resonate with us today even if they were worded just a bit differently.

With convincing words, George Fitzhugh in his article “The Universal Law of Slavery,” advocates slavery with such believability. He explains that the plantation master is a guardian, provider, and protector of his slaves and that the negro is irresponsible and would be a burden on society without the role of slave. He also makes it clear that the “negro race is inferior to the white race, and living in their midst, they would be far outstripped or outwitted in the chaos of free competition.” (The Black American) If that is not enough, he states that slavery in America “relieves him from a far more cruel slavery in Africa…” (The Black American) In fact, “the negro slaves of the South are the happiest, and , in some sense, the freest people in the world. The children and the aged and infirm work not at all, and yet have all the comforts and necessaries of life provided for them.” (The Black American) Individuals like George Fitzhugh convinced many that the slaves were happy, well cared for and better off for being slaves. Clearly, it was an opinion that slavery was a necessary part of the economic success that the United States was experiencing. And yet there was another opinion.

The 1800s saw cotton production grow from a thousand tons to a million tons. At the same time the slave population grew from 500,000 to over 4 million. (Zinn 129) The economy was booming. At this time it is important to ask, if slavery is a positive good why then were there so many slave rebellions? Could the answer be that the existence of slavery for plantation owners was a positive good, however the condition and treatment of the slaves was deplorable. John Little, a former slave, wrote: “…have received two hundred lashes in the day…Happy men we must have been! We did it to keep down trouble, and to keep our hearts from being completely broken…” (Zinn 130) Families were torn apart because a master decided to sell a single member of a family for profit. Some slaves, as many as a thousand every year escaped by running away. Some slaves escaped by using the Underground Railroad.(Foner 404) If slavery was a positive good, why did they resist doing the job they were told to do by pretending to be sick, stealing food, and committing armed assaults against individual whites? (Foner 403) According to Theodore Weld, “To argue that the rapid multiplication of any class in the community, is proof that such a class is well-clothed, well-housed, abundantly fed, and very comfortable, is as absurd as to argue that those who have few children, must, of course, be ill-clothed, ill-housed, badly lodged, overworked, ill-fed, &c. &c. True, privations and inflictions may be carried to such an extent as to occasion a fearful diminishment of population. That was the case generally with the slave population in the West Indies, and, as has been shown, is true of certain portions of the southern states.” (Weld)

Articles like those written by George Fitzhugh convinced many impressionable individuals that slavery was a positive good. The idea of slavery as a positive good allowed many to overlook the inhumane treatment of the slaves as both individuals and as families. It allowed a society dependent on slavery for economic success to overlook the fact that human ownership is wrong under any circumstance. It was a means to huge economic success experienced by the elite few, which sounds similar to the economic disparity between the rich and the poor today.

Source citation:

Foner, Eric. Give Me Liberty! An American History, Seagull Edition. New York: NY, 2009.

The Black American: A Documentary History, Third Edition, by Leslie H. Fishel, Jr. and Benjamin Quarles, Scott, Foresman and Company, Illinois, 1976,1970

Weld, Theodore. "Excerpt from American Slavery As It Is." Reproduced in History Resource Center. Farmington Hills, MI: Gale. The letter of Mr. Barker, referred to in this report to the Legislature of Massachusetts, bears date August 19, 1837. The following are extracts from it. (Primary Source) --Theodore Weld's American Slavery As It Is was one of the earliest and most powerful abolitionist books. Published in 1839, a few years after Weld's conversion to the antislavery cause, it amasses a wealth of documentary evidence, drawn from a variety of sources, against the nation's peculiar institution.

Zinn, Howard. A People’s History of the United States. Abridged Teaching Edition. New York: NY, 1980.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Module 5: Elite few gain security while hiding behind the curtain of the Revolutionary War.

Module 5: Elite few gain security while hiding behind the curtain of the Revolutionary War.

In Howard Zinn’s book, A People’s History of the United States: American Beginnings to Reconstruction, Zinn argues that the American Revolutionary War "was making the ruling elite more secure against internal trouble" (p.62). In fact, “the military conflict itself, by dominating everything in its time, diminished other issues, made people choose sides in the one contest that was publicly important, forced people onto the side of the Revolution whose interest in independence was not at all obvious” (Zinn 62). With this in mind it becomes clear that it is important to look at American Revolution from several angles: the existing class system, the perspective of the American Indians, and the perspective of the African Americans. From these perspectives it is possible to ask, what was the hidden agenda of the perceived need for the Revolutionary War by the most elite men of the time—our founding fathers.

What preceded the American Revolution were at times peaceful negotiations between working colonists and the British. At other times relations became strained when the colonists were faced with a bombardment of new taxes and controls. The British attempted to initiate the Sugar Act, Stamp Act, Townshend Acts, and the Tea Act. Peaceful negotiations turned violent at the Battles of Lexington and Concord. (Foner 172) Both battles were initiated at the hands of the most elite men of the colonies, our founding fathers. The elite realized that by winning the American Revolution they could secure even greater wealth and endless amounts of land. It is important to note at this point that the elite led the colonists into a war which was fought by the poor in the hopes of obtaining freedom and the rights to land. (Answers)

The elite were driven by a need for greater wealth and enormous amounts of land. The poor wanted an opportunity to acquire some land and personal freedom from British rule and taxes. The elite wanted land to the west and the poor appeared to be blinded to what the future held for the American Indians should the colonists win the war. Realizing what would happen, a vast majority of American Indians sided with the British. They knew that if the colonists won the war the Proclamation of 1763 which prohibited further colonial settlement west of the Appalachian Mountains, reserved land exclusively for Indians, and banned the sale of Indian lands to private individuals would become null and void. (Foner 164) This is indeed what happened. The years following the war, the American colonists moved westward taking land and massacring entire Indian populations.

The African American slaves saw little change following the war. As more land was accumulated especially in the south the need for slaves became even more important. In fact, slavery became legalized in the Constitution benefitting the elite who owned vast amounts of land. (Answers)

The founding fathers convinced the poor to fight by offering them land. With a class system already in place—elite owned large land estates, the poor owned no land. The founding fathers were clever to use land to lure the “mobs of poor” into a war that would ultimately benefit the elite. Yet here we are today, hundreds of years later—our founding fathers successors have led the poor and middle class down the same road of war and economic decline. It is time the people, of “we the people”, wake up and begin to ask the right questions. Who will benefit and what could possibly be achieved from war. Will we ever learn that war is too costly in both lives and money and that somehow there must be another way to peacefully reach mutually agreed upon terms?

Works Cited
Foner, Eric. Give Me Liberty! An American History, Seagull Edition. New York: NY, 2009.
Zinn, Howard. A People’s History of the United States. Abridged Teaching Edition. New York: NY, 1980.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Module 4: The American Revolution and Class

Module 4: The American Revolution and Class

Even when looking back on the creation of our independence from England with the signing of the U.S. Constitution it becomes ever so clear that a privileged few were calling all the shots in order to benefit themselves. What went partially unnoticed was the absolute lack of democracy in a country where democracy was believed to be the foundation for the U.S. Constitution. What transpired over the next several hundred years was clearly a result of the elite realizing, “that by creating a nation, a symbol, a legal unity called the United States, they could take over land, profits, and political power from favorites of the British Empire.” (Zinn 47) The Founding Fathers set up a brilliant plan which “created the most effective system of national control devised in modern times and showed future generations of leaders the advantages of combining paternalism with command.” (Zinn 47) By appealing to the masses of the white lower class, the Founding Fathers were able to channel the frustration of the lower class and use it against England to win the war and gain independence.

Certain events had to fall into place before the American Revolution could be fought and won. Patrick Henry helped by using “language inspiring to all classes, specific enough in its listing of grievances to charge people with anger against the British, vague enough to avoid class conflict among the rebels, and stirring enough to build patriotic feeling for the resistance movement.” (Zinn 53) Once the anger was focused on England what needed to happen next was the “mobilization of lower-class energy by upper-class politicians, for their own purposes.” (Zinn 49) Propagandists wrote articles that would infuriate public opinion so much that the public would take action to support the very cause that the propagandist advocated. During the American Revolution, articles were written to further the cause of Independence. (Brainard) The most prolific of these writers was Thomas Paine. He rallied the colonists around the idea of independence by recalling how the wars with England had cost been so costly in both lives and money. (Zinn 54) As interest rose, Paine “lent himself perfectly to the myth of the Revolution—that it was on behalf of a united people.” (Zinn 55)

However, according to Zinn there never really was a united people. Instead, there were a few elitist desiring independence from England which would bring them great wealth and large expanses of land. At the other end of the spectrum were the poor hoping for a better life and believing that the elitist had their best interest at heart. “In fact, the military became a place of promise for the poor, who might rise in rank, acquire some money, and change their social status.” (Zinn 61) Eric Foner agreed with Zinn by stating that it was “a time of immense profits for some colonists and terrible hardships for others.” (Zinn 63) The American Revolution was just as much about class relations as it was about independence. It was about how the upper class manipulated the lower class into fighting for their cause. It was about creating a middle class to bridge the gap between the ultra wealthy and the desperately poor. “Indeed, this became characteristic of the new nation: finding itself possessed of enormous wealth, it could create the richest ruling class in history and still have enough for the middle classes to act as a buffer between the rich and the dispossessed. “ (Zinn 64-5)

Brainard, Rick. The Men Behind the American Revolution: Thomas Paine. 2005. Accessed 12 July 2009 <>.
Zinn, Howard. A People’s History of the United States. Abridged Teaching Edition. New York: NY, 1980.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Module 3: South Carolina Slave Codes

Module 3: South Carolina Slave Codes

In the early 1700s, rice plantations thrived in the colony of South Carolina. How did this successful economy get its start? It was initially taught to the English settlers by the Africans who had grown rice in their homeland. In addition to their familiarity with growing rice, Africans adapted to the hot, humid climate and were somewhat resistant to malaria which was carried by the mosquitoes living in the watery rice fields therefore making them perfect “field workers” (Foner 134). According to Foner, “rice production requires considerable capital investment to drain swamps and crate irrigation systems, it is economically advantageous for rice plantations to be as large as possible.” (134) Hence, South Carolina became a colony of wealthy plantation owners who needed a large number of slaves to work the fields leading to a rapidly growing black population which soon outnumbered the whites. The colonialists, whether intentionally or unintentionally had developed a class system, “The country therefore was not ‘born free’ but born slave and free, servant and master, tenant and landlord, poor and rich.” (Zinn, 39) Outnumbered, but more importantly afraid of losing control, slave owners enacted the Slave Codes of South Carolina for the purpose of defining legal statues and the punishments for broken laws.

In the late 1600s and early 1700s it was common practice for enslaved blacks to be bought and sold throughout the colonies. A successful economy almost always depended on it. “The slaves were taught discipline, were impressed again and again with the ideas of their own inferiority to ‘know their place,’ to see blackness as a sign of subordination, to be awed by the power of the master…” (Zinn 29) Yet plantation owners grew fearful of a rebellion from the growing number of black slaves. The answer was to create laws. In 1690, the “Act for the Better Ordering of Slaves” was enacted declaring specific penalties for first, second, and third offenses. It prohibited enslaved persons from leaving their plantations without written permission. (Slavery) Several years later, in 1712, the “Act for the Better Ordering and Governing of Negroes and Slaves” was created to increase control over the growing number of blacks in South Carolina and outline punishable laws for both master and slave. Punishment for runaway slaves included branding an “R” on their cheek, cutting the Achilles tendon, or even death. It also stated that if the master did not carry out the punishment he would be fined a specified number of shillings. (Slavery) In reality, little was done to actually control the increasing numbers of black slaves as they were needed to ensure a profitable and thriving business. Instead, the Slave Codes were continually revised throughout the 1700s so that the white plantation owners could control the much needed black slave population of South Carolina. “It was an intricate and powerful system of control that the slave owners developed to maintain their labor supply and their way of life…for keeping power and wealth where they are.” (Zinn 29)

According to an Excerpt from American Slavery As It Is, “The fact that thousands of slaves, generally in the prime of life, are annually smuggled into the United States from Africa, Cuba, and elsewhere, makes it manifest that all inferences drawn from the increase of the slave population, which do not make large deductions, for constant importations, must be fallacious. Mr. Middleton of South Carolina, in a speech in Congress in 1819, declared that ‘Thirteen Thousand Africans are Annually Smuggled Into the Southern States.’” (Weld) As a result of profitable rice and later an indigo economy, coupled with South Carolinas ability to control large numbers of black slaves, other colonies such as Georgia adopted the Slave Codes created and enacted by South Carolina’s legislature. (Foner 135) After repealing a ban on slavery, “Georgia became a miniature version of South Carolina. By 1770, as many as 15,000 slaves labored on its coastal rice plantations.” (Foner 135)

Works cited

Foner, Eric. Give Me Liberty! An American History, Seagull Edition. New York: NY, 2009.

"Slavery and Slave Codes (1600-1754)." American Eras. 8 vols. Gale Research, 1997-1998. Reproduced in History Resource Center. Farmington Hills, MI: Gale.

Weld, Theodore. "Excerpt from American Slavery As It Is." Reproduced in History Resource Center. Farmington Hills, MI: Gale. (Primary Source)

Zinn, Howard. A People’s History of the United States. Abridged Teaching Edition. New York: NY, 1980.